Could remortgaging be right for you?

Could remortgaging be right for you?

If your current mortgage no longer suits you, there’s no need to feel tied to your lender. Remortgaging can help you save money if a different lender is offering a better deal than you can get with your current lender. What is remortgaging? Remortgaging is taking out...
Is Life Insurance worth the money?

Is Life Insurance worth the money?

Although many understand why life insurance is a good thing, a shockingly high proportion of individuals are unwilling to take out life insurance due to the belief it isn’t worth the expenditure – surveys have suggested that only 30% of Britons have any form of life...
What is a Joint Borrower, Sole Proprietor Mortgage?

What is a Joint Borrower, Sole Proprietor Mortgage?

Buying a property as a first-time buyer is far from easy. After gathering the funds for the deposit, you then have to pass the lender’s affordability checks and income multiples, and these can be ruthless. However, if you’ve got a loved one who’s willing to help, a...